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Things To Do Until This Shit Blows Over
(title contributed by a client)

Need some ideas about what to do while you’re stuck at home? We have compiled a list of things to do to pass the time. The list is a compilation of ideas contributed by Bhakti providers (with many ideas coming from others they know).

■ If you play a musical instrument considering playing it on a park bench and giving someone a private concert at 6 feet of separation.
■ Learn something new on YouTube like where to hang a bat-house to keep mosquitoes away.
■ Who have you met that you want to get to know? Send them an email.
■ Volunteer to pick up medicine, groceries or other stuff for people that are quarantined.
■ Journal about this experience. Your family may find it interesting in the future.
■ Write free flow ideas daily on how to spark joy and stay in gratitude.
■ What kinds of games could be played without a board on Zoom or the like?
■ Learn how to do my own podcast.
■ Create a flower bouquet and ask people to nominate someone to give it to. Ask for nominations in your city.
■ Play the compass game and go for a drive or walk: draw a number 1-12 out of a hat and drive or walk whatever that direction is on a clock. Can draw another number out for the number of miles. Make it a scavenger hunt with a list of things you have to find along the way such as: Five front steps with black rails, three intergenerational families out walking, seven restaurants that are closed, three species of birds, etc.
■ Write blog posts either for your personal blog or business.
■ Research and plan your next vacation.
■ Research another culture – – take time to learn about how other people live!! Another way to travel.
■ Learn a new recipe and ask others to join you (online) to compare notes.
■ Get outside and WALK!!!!! OR go for a drive – – change of scenery.
■ Check in with friends and ask how they’re doing and what they’re doing to spark joy.
■ Play violin (or whatever you play) for your friends or family on Facetime
■ Lots of free virtual tours of museums, zoos other public spaces
■ Write thank you notes to first responders!!!
■ Make a video of you reading a book to share with friends who have kids.
■ Write random kind notes to people in the service industry, healthcare providers.
■ Re-pot plants, start seedlings indoors.
■ Take a personality profile
■ As you clean through your photos, send ones with friends Virtual happy hour with friends via Google Hangouts, Zoom, Houseparty ■ FaceTime or text/call old friends you haven’t talked to in awhile
■ Read a book for fun. Too many times we have a huge pile of books to read and don’t make time for it. NOW is the time!
■ Write those overdue recommendations on LinkedIn or leave book/product reviews online
■ Learn Tarot and practice readings
■ Clear out photos from your phone that are no longer necessary and mark any old ones that still make your smile or spark joy so they are favorites as reminders of good times.
■ Draw…just for the fun of it.
■ Have a pillow fight
■ Do zoom chats with friends …use WhatsApp video chat instead of just calling for face contact.
■ Find the most amazing natural wonder that you might walk by or drive by every day.
■ Ask people would you rather questions.
■ Set up a still life and draw or paint.
■ Learn how to play just the piano part of Layla.
■ Order the “If …” book online and engage in conversation.
■ Call your favorite relatives.
■ Listen to Indian classical music or other meditative music.
■ Start a Facebook group for artist friends to share their work and resources.
■ Take YouTube music lessons and learn your instrument better.
■ Have a picnic.
■ Become a video chat reading buddy with one of the kids in your life (niece, nephew, God Children, close friends). Have them read you a book once each day or every other day.
■ Finish old craft projects
■ Watch a funny movie that we haven’t taken time to watch because we were too busy.
■ Go through closets and put fun outfits together.
■ If you do an exercise like T’ai Chi/ Qi Gong practice a few minutes a day. If you don’t, try it!
■ Meet friends in the park and sit on picnic benches 6 feet apart. Or go through drive-through with other friends and then park your cars 6 feet apart and visit with the windows down.
■ Play string with your cat or ball with your dog
■ Planet Fitness is doing 20 minute “work ins” at 6 PM each day via Facebook
■ Learn dog massage and connect more fully with your four-legged family members
■ Cincinnati zoo visits online daily at 3 pm
■ Give yourself an artist’s date in your home or yard. Spend time noticing a piece of art, sculpture, carpentry, glasswork or work of nature. Breathe deeply and see all the tiny details.
■ Put a jigsaw puzzle together. Can order quickly if you don’t own any. Make it a picture you really like! It keeps the left brain just occupied enough to take the edge off of worry.
■ Ignite your senses. What smells do you want around you? What memories do they evoke? What sounds do you love?
■ Create a Covid-19 playlist and make it everything that calms you. Get as much of your favorite color gathered around you as you can. Run your toes over a favorite rug.
■ Have a spa day at home: oils, lotions, nail care, facials, foot care, etc.
■ Send a note of encouragement and thanks to the person who cuts your hair.
■ Peter Deadman wrote an influential acupuncture points manual. Treat and entertain yourself. The lung exercise in particular is important right now. Here’s the link:
■ Learn to cook; teach others to cook
■ MN Dept. of Health resource:
■ Continuing education credits online and/or e-learning
■ Organize and clean (closets, drawers, storage rooms, garages, etc.)
■ Write (journal, poetry, family history, family stories, commentary)
■ Bake/cook with your family and enjoy the act of eating together
■ Exercise (indoors and outdoors) (yes, this includes dancing!)
■ Practice being positive, thankful and hopeful (with ourselves and others)
■ If you are able order take out – support your local businesses

List Specifically for Kids

★ Do some baking ★ Clean out your closet ★ Do crafts (paint, make jewelry, rock cleaning, sew, etc.) ★ Learn a new skill ★ Do yoga ★ Find new music you like ★ Dance marathon with friends
★ Do TikTok dances ★ Sing (by yourself, with family, with friends, with your pets!) ★ Make videos and/or do a video project ★ Read new books ★ Re-read books you love ★ At-home spa day (face mask, nails, hairdos) ★ Write poetry ★ Take photos, Edit photos ★ Watch the same movie with your friends (each of you in your own home) at the same time, eat the same movie snack and Facetime while you watch the movie so you can enjoy it together – Use Netflix Party! ★ Build a fort ★ Do a group challenge via Facetime (e.g., scavenger hunt, how many books can you find in your house that begin with a certain letter, etc.) ★ Virtual sleepovers – pj’s, popcorn, ghost stories, etc.) ★ Play board games with family or friends (friends via Facetime) ★ Audible is offering free audiobooks for kids: ★ Take a virtual trip somewhere you want to go ★ Create your own beverages together via Facetime

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