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Ruth Tongen, RN, NC-BC, MaOM, LAc, SPHR – Services


Ruth Tongen, RN, NC-BC, MaOM, LAc, SPHR

Nurse, Licensed Acupuncturist, Board-Certified Coach
Office Phone: 952-920-9830


Improve Your Health and Live a Meaningful Next Chapter!

  • Do you have an ongoing health condition pain for which you haven’t been able to find relief or do you need help sorting out your options?
  • Are you not sleeping well, feeling overwhelmed, depressed or anxious?
  • Are you having menstrual problems, perimenopausal symptoms or desire to become pregnant?
  • Are you planning to retire (or have retired in the last couple of years) and want to live with purpose and find new patterns and projects for your life?
  • Are you moving into a new chapter of your life and want help to map out your priorities?

If you see yourself in any of these questions, I can offer you help. I have three special focuses in my practice, years of experience and education, and lots of tools in my toolkit.

Synergy Health, LLC

I can also help you sort out your plans for health and treat a number of conditions. I offer these services:

  • Through acupuncture, massage, nutrition and herbal medicine:
      • Relieve or prevent pain (back, knee, neck and shoulder, migraines, etc.)
      • Settle anxiety and even out depression
      • Help with fertility
      • Even out perimenopausal symptoms and insomnia
      • Settle digestive disorders
  • Through education and coaching, connect you with valuable, simple lifestyle practices that fit for your life and health so you can nurture better health and prevention.
  • Through coaching skills, I partner with you to build a clear plan of next steps that make sense for you when searching for hard-fought answers for health concerns, or sorting the mix of care and lifestyle ideas you may have received after seeing multiple providers.

You can find more info at:

Acupuncture, Herbs and Nutrition

  • Do you have pain that is nagging you day and night and you need a solution besides medication?
  • Are you experiencing anxiety or depression and are eager for some natural ways to settle it?
  • Do you have chronic symptoms such as dry eyes, touchy digestion, fatigue or headaches?
    Is the middle of life feeling a bit like the middle of hell as you move through perimenopause?

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine has been used for most conditions for thousands of years and can provide you a different kind of help for your symptoms. It helps the body restore its normal functioning and balancing out what’s out of balance vs. suppressing a symptom you don’t want. As a nurse, I find it to be good at the opposite things that Western medicine does well. I will use nutrition, herbs (made mostly from food) and acupuncture to help balance and augment your body.

If you are ready to do something more lasting and natural about an ongoing health condition, I can help you feel better. We start with a complete intake so we can look at how all of your symptoms fit together and make a detailed plan for care in the office and what you can do at home. We form a partnership.

I am an out-of-network provider for health insurance. My focus is on people who want highly customized expert care that comes from a knowledge of both Western and Chinese medicine.

Contact me directly to make an appointment. Email: or phone: 952-920-9830.

Health Journeys

  • Do you have a health concern that seems to fall between the cracks of medicine and you don’t know who to see or what to try next?
  • Do you have someone looking at your knee and someone looking at your heart and someone else advising you on headaches and you are feeling overwhelmed or unclear about the whole picture?
  • Do you have a challenge that is requiring you to make a lot of life changes and you want practical help to simplify things?

It’s easy to get lost in the woods when all you want to do is simply feel better. We come out of a time when we expected that we would go to a medical appointment, get a medication and we would feel better. So many of our health conditions now are chronic and require lifestyle change and aren’t simply something we can take a pill for (or we have more than enough pills already!). Or it involves so many moving parts that you want help to sort it all out.

I will sit down with you, go through all your information, help you understand more about your body’s symptomology and cause, and help you create a solid plan of action for what’s next, how to simplify your health instructions at home, and what types of complementary care would be helpful. You can refer to my full website at for more information. Email me: or call me at 952-920-9830 to request a free 15-minute consultation where we can discuss how I can be of help.

More to Life – Retirement Services

I also operate More to Life, which helps you shape and live out a meaningful retirement or next chapter that fits for you. I repeatedly encountered people who were retired and telling me that while they were doing plenty of fun things, but they were yearning for something more to pull them out of bed each day (in addition to time with grandkids, travel or hobbies). No one seemed to be addressing this in financial retirement planning so I’ve combined my background in transition strategies and health planning to specialize in helping people plan more broadly. I am passionate about the known power of purpose and healthy living during retirement to keep people vibrant and healthy.

We more commonly plan out whether we have enough money saved for retirement, presuming we will travel or putz our way through the rest of our lives. But then a couple of years go by and we know there is a need for something else. We don’t talk about it, but the transition to retirement is significant and can take a major toll on our health and mortality if we aren’t intentional about it. I do one-on-one consultations, classes, workshops and retreats for people who will retire soon or have retired in the last few years and found it isn’t as fulfilling as they would like. Working together is a fun, imaginative process. Come and see what you can create! More info at:

Planning/Living a Great Retirement (It’s a lot more than just savings!)

  • Are you unsure of when and why you want to retire?
  • Are you already retired and want more sense of purpose or accomplishment?
  • Do you need to find more friends and activities that jazz you but are unsure where to look?
  • Do you want to find a job or even start a small business that captures an interest or passion?

Research shows that living retirement with purpose makes you 2.4 times less likely to get Alzheimer’s, slows cognitive decline, will make you less likely to develop a disability, and your risk of dying early is much lower.

Purpose is different than staying busy.

In the Next Chapter process, you will design and begin to live a more meaningful, connected and fun retirement. I will help you weave your curiosity and passions into a healthy and fascinating next stage! My focus is on people who have been highly focused on their work and want help to find their new purpose and identity at this stage. More info at: Set up your free consult by emailing me: or call me at 952-223-1121. There are many ways we can work together. Let’s explore a plan that fits for you.

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