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Dear Community,

I am writing to let you know that we are here for you. We are deeply committed to the health and wellbeing of our community, on every level. The clinic is open, and we are here–calming nervous systems, boosting immunity and helping people feel better in their bodies and their lives.

In order to serve your wellbeing we are maintaining best practices.  We are frequently disinfecting all surfaces in the clinic including doors, light switches, chairs, counters, pens, etc. We invite you to bring your own pens, and blankets, if you wish.  The understanding is that the risk of transmission of Covid-19 on soft surfaces is very low.  Never-the-less we change sheets after every session, of course, and all non-covered treatment surfaces are disinfected after every visit. Heres a statement about Covid-19 on soft surfaces from the Harvard Health Blog.

Social Distancing – as you know we have a large waiting room which rarely has more than 2 patients in it at one time.  This easily allows clients to remain more than 15 ft apart, twice the recommended distance.  Additionally our air system moves 100’s of cubic feet of air per minute keeping the air clean.  We have also been running a high volume ionizing air scrubber 24 hrs a day for an added layer of protection from airborne concerns.

Community Acupuncture  **Per new Public Health recommendations, we have temporarily spaced our chairs further apart.

We will continue to treat patients and monitor the situation as it evolves. Holistic Medicine is an important tool in fostering wellness, and we are committed to supporting our community in this way.

As this unique situation develops, we will be in communication. If you have a fever, show any signs of a compromised immune system, or have travelled internationally in the last two weeks, please contact us so that we can help you in a way that does not involve coming into the clinic or direct contact. We will be offering distance consults for herbs and supplements, as needed. We do have herbs and supplements in stock now to help boost immunity.  We have some providers open to making house calls and we have microcurrent devices available for home use with protocols to boost the immune system, respiratory support, reduce congestion, increase ATP production to keep energy levels up.  Please contact your provider directly or call the clinic main number for guidance if you have a need.

I would also like to point out that there are a host of other things that can be done to reduce the likelihood you or a member of your family will either become infected or, if you do, that you will experience serious and/or life-threatening complications. What I will tell you is anything you do which reduces the stress on your body will increase your immune competency and therefore your response to this and other disease causing agents. What I mean is that getting plenty of sleep, reducing your stress by whatever means possible, having great nutrition that is low in sugar and high in micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), and doing moderate exercise are all things that can enable your immune system to better fight infection. In addition, specific nutritional supplements to boost your immunity can be very beneficial. None of these measures should be considered as a panacea or guaranteed protection against infection, however the additive effect of all of them can tip the scale in favor of you, the host, and against the virus, the invader. It is all about doing those things that increase the probability that you will successfully do battle.

Another thing which is critically important, and which can facilitate your immune response is chiropractic care, acupuncture, massage therapy, energy medicine, microcurrent therapy and more. The reason is that the immune system and the nervous system are very closely linked, and anything which reduces stress on the nervous system will facilitate immune function.  Also a great time to dust off your home yoga routine, meditation practice and board games with the family.

This is going to be a challenging passage on many fronts for the global community and our local community alike.  Our best way through is with mutual care and support.

In service to your health,

Guy and the entire Bhakti team

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