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5 Ways to Influence Your Subconscious Mind and Transform Your Life
by Josh Peters, CHt

The words we say and the suggestions that we give ourselves have the power to shape our lives. From the actions you take to the food you eat, from how you react to stress to how much money you make, these suggestions run our lives. You are programmed by core beliefs to follow a certain pattern and until you overwrite those instructions, you will continue to repeat those patters for your whole entire life.
Core beliefs are the foundation of every experience you have. They are based on stories we make up about life, truths you tell yourself, created by powerful suggestions.

Think of your mind as having two parts. The conscious mind, the logical thinking part of you that drove you here tonight, that chose to come to this presentation. The subconscious mind, the part responsible for habits, beliefs, and behaviors that we don’t really think about. I’ll be generous and give 10% of our reality to the conscious mind. Which means that 90% of everything you do or say or think or believe comes from the subconscious. Our subconscious is running our life and following the instructions we give it through suggestion.
The subconscious mind is really the one in control, but everything it does is to keep you safe. It does this by creating core beliefs that attempt to make sense out of experiences that happen. Some examples of core beliefs are “I don’t matter”, “I’m not good enough”, I’m unworthy”, “I’m unlovable”.

These core limiting beliefs color everything you think is possible. They are like a frame or a lens through which you see the world. Even though you may want to have one particular outcome, these core beliefs cause you expect a completely different experience.
We experience the core beliefs that shape our lives as strengths, challenges, and blocks. When you’re not aware of your core beliefs you’re allowing the subconscious mind to run your life for you. The good new is that you’re not actually trapped. You’re not stuck. You can make changes to your limiting beliefs.

There are five ways to intentionally influence the subconscious mind.

1. Surround yourself with positivity
The simplest, easiest way is to control your environment.What types of music or images do you surround yourself with? What feelings do you want to have? If you’re looking to create positivity in your life, surround yourself with positive people. Remember, you take on the habits and the beliefs of those around you. Who do you want to be? What can you do to set yourself up for success?

2. Visualize success
Henry Ford said whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right. Often we get stuck in the trap of imagining a future we don’t want. Visualize success. Imaging yourself in the future state you want to find. Make it as clear in your mind as you can, then step into that future. Try it on. See what you would see. Hear what you would hear. And here’s the key – feel what you would feel.
Fill yourself with gratitude and joy for what you’ve accomplished. Feel the peace and calm you’ve been looking for. Revel in the passion you’ve created. Spend at least 5-10 minutes a day embodying the experience and making it real. Our minds don’t know the difference between a real experience and an imagined experience so by doing this you are creating new neural pathways and connections. You are creating a new you.

3. Create Positive Affirmations
We’ve all had the experience of doing something stupid and beating ourselves up for it. Use positive affirmations to encourage your subconscious mind and turn that negative talk around.
There are a couple of best practices when creating positive affirmations. Write them in the present tense. Rather than “I will be relaxed and calm” use “I AM relaxed and calm in any situation”.

Add emotion to the affirmations. “I am happy and filled with joy when I take action”.

Next, make sure to keep the affirmations positive. Our subconscious mind doesn’t understand negative terms and gets confused. Rather than “I am happy and filled with joy when I don’t eat sugary snacks” use “I am happy and filled with joy when I eat healthy food”.
One way that I use positive affirmations is to stop the negative talk in its tracks. If I make a mistake or forget something I sometimes criticize myself. When I notice it I stop, take a breath, and turn the thought around to become positive. Rather than “you idiot, you forgot to get coffee at the grocery store” it becomes “Oops, I made a mistake. I guess I’ll go back to the store and fix it”.

4. Binaural Beats
The neurons within our brains communicate at the very root of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors using brainwaves. These brainwaves are created by electrical pulses from the groups of neurons communicating with each other. Our brainwaves change depending on what we’re doing or how we’re feeling. They are frequencies, like sound waves, only they are waves of consciousness.

Gamma waves are the fastest and relate to physical activity, to processing a lot of information at once.

Beta waves are present through most of our waking day. This is the active, alert, engaged consciousness.

Alpha waves are present during quiet thought and light meditation. This is a resting state, a state of presence, the power of now.

Theta waves occur during sleep and in deep meditation. This is where we learn and process. It’s similar to the moment between deep sleep and awareness. It’s very much a dream state, outside of normal consciousness.

Delta waves are slow and loud. They are generated during dreamless sleep and in deepest mediation. This state suspends external awareness and is the source of empathy.

Binaural beats are sound waves created to simulate these brain frequencies and bring your brain into the desired state. Binaural beats are a powerful kick start to bring your consciousness to a new level of awareness and can be very effective to create changes in your life when you mix in some of the other techniques already listed above.

5. Hypnosis
Similar to binaural beats, hypnosis is a technique of changing your brain state to a theta or delta state, then delivering positive suggestions and guiding a client into deep visualizations. Rather than using a recording to create the brain wave a hypnotist uses their voice to deepen the clients consciousness.

In addition to live hypnosis there is also self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis can be done with recordings or simply by guiding one’s self into a state of deep relaxation and delivering suggestions. There are a lot of self-hypnosis recordings out there and easily available, including an offer you will find at the end of this article.

There are many ways to communicate with the subconscious mind and overwrite the core limiting beliefs that hold us back.
I believe the words that we say and the suggestions that we give ourselves have the power to shape our lives. With persistence you can create a powerful transformation in your life. I’d be honored to be part of that.

I work with successful business owners, entrepreneurs, and executives to uncover the beliefs that stop them and support them to become their most powerful self. If you’d like to experience hypnosis yourself the easiest way to start is through a free recording:

Practice what I’ve just taught you. Experiment with the different techniques. Remove the blocks and create an empowered future you.

Joshua Peters is a speaker and hypnotist based in the Twin Cities, passionate about transforming lives. He spends his days empowering business owners, entrepreneurs, and other professionals to release their own uncomfortable truths and create a life of freedom and joy.
Joshua spent the past fifteen years transforming his own life from one of mediocrity and strife to intention and creativity. Along the way he’s learned to push through his own fears to walk on fire, dance on broken glass, and to escape from the chains that held him back.
In his free time you’ll find Joshua hiking, reading, or enjoying time with his family.

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