Jeanne Kretchme

Jeanne Kretchme

Jeanne offers spiritual companioning to all seekers regardless of spiritual tradition including no tradition.  She earned a Master’s in Theology and a graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction from St. Catherine University.  Jeanne works privately with individuals and small groups, and is a member of Spiritual Directors International.

Jeanne holds a deep appreciation for each individual’s journey and how a companion may enrich their life path encounters. The unfolding of your story comes from being present, inviting, connecting, and listening. Jeanne is a lifelong student of spiritual growth through dreams, creativity, workshops, and meditation. Her areas of interest include dream work, end of life transitions, and Celtic Spirituality.

Interested in learning more? Jeanne is available by appointment. Sessions are one hour. Schedule a 1 hour introductory session to learn more about the process and discern if ongoing sessions could be a fit. Introductory session is no charge and ongoing sessions are sliding scale. Appointments must be scheduled in advance. Contact Jeanne at or use the button to the left to access Jeanne’s online schedule. Or Click Here

What Does an Hour Session Look Like?

You will be welcomed into a comfortable and inviting space. The session opens with lighting a candle and inviting the divine (Spirit, God, Source or your name) into the space. This is followed by a period of silence, meditation, or prayer. During this time you listen for what your heart is asking to be heard. You are invited to end the silence when you are ready with whatever comes up from within and the story you need to tell on that day. This is your journey, your path, so you talk and I listen deeply to the story and questions.

Your story may be about:

– An experience of something outside of yourself and you are not sure what to do with it.
– An illness or suffering or an experience of joy, awakening, and awareness.
– Simply a need to explore your spirituality and how the divine is at work in your life.
– Gaining clarity in your life’s work.
– Facing an important transition or making a life decision.

I use silence, guided imagery, open ended questions, and even dreams to see what is at work in your life. Together we invite the divine into the space to help us connect with our deeper soul and make meaning of the experience. We try to follow where the energy is, unpack the experience, and explore the meaning.

The session is closed with silence, meditation, or prayer.

All conversation is confidential.