By Gizelle Erickson, LCMT, CRP
Bhakti Wellness Center September 2013 Newsletter – Short Article
As the seasons change, so does the energy in the world around us. This has an effect on our emotions, our sleep patterns, our internal organs, our energy levels, and so much more. Many healing traditions use the elements – such as Fire, Water, Wood, – to serve as metaphors for understanding these changes.
During the months of August and September we are in the season, or element, of Earth. What does this mean for you? How will you be effected this season? Here are a few examples of the lessons Earth holds for us.
The element of Earth holds a “transitional” quality. It serves as the womb for Metal. In reality, Earth could be seen as the mother of Metal. Deep within, Metal lies nestled in the very center of Earth, waiting to be brought forth, rising to the surface in response to the energy of Fire.
· What treasure lies buried deep within you?
· What dreams can Earth help you protect and nurture until the moment is right for it to rise to the surface?
Earth is energized by Fire. Forever held captive in the sun’s embrace, pressures come to bear that cause Earth to purify and sanctify itself, giving birth to it’s purest form, Metal. This Metal is so effected by Fire’s energy it becomes a molten flow that then permeates the earth. It runs in veins buried deep below the surface, waiting for the forces of other elements such as Air and Water to bring forth its richness.
· The pressures of life are not meant to be comfortable. We may feel like crumbling under it. Its ok to crumble. But look through the debris and what is left after the erosion… what of value do you see now that you didn’t before? That is the gift.
· We work hard to build a solid firm foundation to stand on, thinking we are secure… until the earth quakes and suddenly we are left unsure where to step. Then we see the reality. That earth is really a liquid ball and we are standing on just the crust. Which will bring you a true sense of peace and safety ~ being hard, tough, immovable? Or flexible, adaptable, soft?
This is not a birth of new life in a spring-like sense. This is a deepening, an enriching. Like the wisdom of our elders, like the fruit of our labor, Earth is about to reveal the harvest of our energy. It is a turning internal, after the external energy of spring and summer. Now is the time to focus inward, to see the beauty and strength within us.
· For moment, turn your focus inward. If you picture yourself as “earth”, with pressures of life forever holding you, what has become purified and enriched within you?
· What deep strength now courses through your veins? Purpose to live your life with that strength.
Gizelle is an Elemental Wellness Coach. She has been studying the Elements and their effect on people’s wellness for 10 years. You can email her at for your free Elements Assessment to discover what element you most identify with currently. Mention this article and you will receive 50% off your initial Elemental Wellness coaching session or the Elements of Eden 6 class series.