Hypnotherapy – Changing Your Mind

By Kim Johnson, Master Hypnotherapist (MHt.)

Performance Healing Arts

Imagine taking a journey any place or time to redo your life experience. That is how it started for me upon finding a book on hypnosis at 10 years of age. My best friend and I took turns taking imaginary journeys in the wonderful state of trance. Fighting dragons, hitting home run balls in the World Series, as if you were in a dream that you could conquer everything you could imagine.


There has never been a reported incident of hurt or damage to an individual under hypnosis. The Hollywood image of being controlled by an evil operator is far from the truth about hypnosis. The fact is that in trance you are in a hyperaware state at the subconscious level and would resist any indiscrete suggestion and immediately awaken. Even the father of modern Hypnotherapy, Dr. Milton Erickson MD, tried to get someone to do something against their will as a personal study and never succeeded.


Some of my education in Hypnotherapy came from a Professor at the University of Minnesota, Head of Oral Surgery, Norm Holte, in 1980. He showed a group of Dental, Medical Doctoral students and myself how to produce local anesthesia, control bleeding and uses for psychosomatic illnesses. The indication Dr. Nolte made were that rashes could be treated as a psychosomatic. One client with a severe bout of hives was relieved remarkably quickly with simple suggestive therapy in a trance state. Another suggestion enabled her body to reabsorb the welts within minutes with out a trace left of them. It amazed me at the human’s subconscious ability under hypnosis to control automatic functions of the body.


Now with the research and understanding of the brain and genetic functions of the body, science recognizes this powerful tool in healing. Hypnosis was accepted by the American Medical Association as a valid therapeutic tool in 1956. Even in the 1920’s the Mayo brother harnessed this powerful tool to produce anesthesia for operations. Their two anesthetists learned hypnosis and suggestions with patients. They reduced the amount of ether necessary with the aid of hypnosis for successful operations. This reduced amount of ether produced better and faster healing of their patients. The Mayo Brothers became world famous for their skill and recovery of patients in surgery, partly due to the use of hypnosis.


Today a trip to see a skilled Hypnotherapist is walking into an office and getting comfortable in a chair. Trance is produced with simple time verified methods. The possibilities are endless with a qualified Hypnotherapist. Qualified isn’t a certification or license to practice another type of therapy. It is an individual practiced with hypnotherapy, current in understanding modern models of hypnotherapy and focused primarily on this modality of practice with years of experience. Hypnotherapy is not sitting in a chair while someone tells you everything will be better. It is an experience redesigning your belief systems and transforming your perceptions of the world. Enabling you to heal and find peace.


Current research shows that reviving the event allows the event to be changed in your neural pathways.


Our data show that consolidated fear memories when reactivated return to a labile state that requires de novo protein synthesis for reconsolidation. These findings are not predicated by traditional theories of memory consolidation. (Nader et al., 2000a, p.723)


This allows you to extinguish behaviors formed to protect you during traumatic incidences. Then shaping new ways of dealing more effectively with the world you live in. It is transforming beliefs that have kept us trapped to negative perceptions of the world or your own ability to heal effectively. The results produce a change in the way our brain mobilizes our body’s natural defenses, the expression of our genes and dis-covers the potential of our own capabilities. Albert Einstein said that we use less than one tenth of our brains capacity. Now you can use the other nine tenths of your mind, by using the power of the subconscious mind for your benefit, performance and healing with hypnotherapy.



Bio:   Kim Johnson MHt.


As a Master Hypnotherapist with 30 years of experience in private practice Kim Johnson has worked with a broad range of individuals including, executives, professional athletes, musicians and artists to enhance their performance. He provides state of the art professional service and you an opportunity to open new levels of achievement for yourself. Helping you succeed with healing, overcoming phobias, quitting addictions, changing negative beliefs and assisting you in your physical and mental health is Kim’s goal. Kim provides service at Bhakti Wellness Center which has a full range of complementary practitioners that can assist you in transformation of mind, body and spirit.


Career Highlights

  • Over 30 years of experience with hypnosis
  • Founder Performance Hypnosis and Performance Healing Arts
  • Contributor on book by Author, Kevin Hogan, “Through the Open Door”
  • Public Speaking on health, stress and sports performance related topics