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Free Craniosacral Therapy Sessions

Michelle and Angela, 2 biodynamic cranial sacral therapy students in the Body Intelligence 2 year training program hosted at Bhakti, are offering free sessions as part of their clinical practicum. I’m hoping you, your family members, friends or clients would be willing to help Michelle and Angela by volunteering to receive some TLC from this delightful student practitioner. After reading the particulars below you are welcome to selectively forward this email to folks you think would be good candidates for their practicum. After booking your own appointment of course!

Here are the particulars:
Sessions are 30 to 45 minutes long
At this point volunteers need to be relatively healthy, no serious health concerns
The sessions are for the students to practice so the emphasis is on what they need to learn more than what the volunteer needs treated. Since the goal of biodynamic work is to promote health in the client there is always benefit to the client regardless of what is ‘worked’ on.

Appointments must be scheduled in advance. Click here to schedule.  Choose Craniosacral Student Clinic >>> Michelle or Angela – Craniosacral Student Session

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