3 Tips to Prevent Chronic Pain by Anna Forlitti

I put together these simple yet potent tips to which will help you to avoid chronic pain:

Movement and Postural Alignment

Making time to move throughout the day to essential to keeping your body healthy and functional.  It helps to prevent pain.  Two things people often do not realize are:

  1. How your postural alignment relates to overall health, chronic pain, function and performance.
  2. What to do to realign your posture and prevent chronic pain

If you would like to try a short sequence of posture exercises, please go to www.posturalhealing.com to access a FREE exercise video you can use to re-balance your body.


Stress is a common piece that can contribute to chronic pain.  One way to help reduce stress is through meditation.  One easy way to begin is to start with a 5 minute silent meditation.  Start by sitting up tall legs crossed in front of you or on the floor if you are in a chair.  Close your eyes and begin breathing in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Continue breathing allowing yourself to be still and relax.  Another option is to start with a guided meditation.  Here some you could try: https://chopra.com/articles/guided-meditations

Healthy Whole Foods

It is helpful avoid foods that contribute to inflammation in the body.  Some common ones include sugar, dairy and gluten.  Here is a delicious recipe you can try.

Curried Butternut Squash Recipe – serves 4 – David L. Thomas, Jr. https://internationalintegrators.org



1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil or water for sautéing

1 medium onion, diced

2 stalks of celery, diced

2-3 tsp mild curry powder

4 cups diced butternut squash

5 cups vegetable broth

Sea salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste

1 tbsp agave, to taste

1/2 – 1 cup coconut milk



Saute the onion, celery and curry powder in olive oil or water; stir and cook until the onion softens.  Add the squash and broth.  Cover the pot and bring to a simmer.

Simmer until the squash is very soft and fork tender (maybe 30 minutes).  Add a bit more water if you need to keep the squash from sticking to the pot.

Puree the soup until smooth.  Stir in agave and coconut milk.  Season with sea salt and pepper.  Warm through gently and serve.





Postural Health adn Healing

Anna Forlitti is a Postural Alignment Specialist who coaches people to eliminate chronic pain and feel great in their bodies. Learn more about Anna including how to schedule your first session at http://bhakticlinic.com/providers/anna-evans-bio/