HUMANS: A Basic Owners Manual for the New Year


Written by Denise Douglass-White

Doctor of Medical Qigong (China)

Although we all share the same basic human DNA, with a blueprint that designs each of us as a human being, we come in a variety of “makes” and “models”, sizes, shapes, colors and ages. Even identical models, coming from the same “factory”, have been driven differently. Some of us have put on an enormous amount of highway miles. Some us have accumulated city miles with many starts and stops. Some of us have been in accidents, perhaps a fender bender, maybe a head-on collision. Some of us have done all the required service checks and maintenance, others may have not.

The question is, no matter which vehicle was “leased or bought” for us, and what our previous service history…how do we now maximize our ride and our experience, as we drive the roadway of life?


On the turn of the New Year, it’s a good time to go back and remind ourselves of basic operation- how to make our vehicles last longer and get the best fuel economy.

A Quick Reference Guide


  • Parts: Although our vehicles are made up of many individual parts- body, mind, spirit, emotions and energy- they all must work together for us to function well. If one part goes down, it will effect the performance of the entire vehicle. We can’t just care for some of the parts and ignore the maintenance of others without suffering consequences further down the road.
  • Operating Your Vehicle: Move Your Body!!
  • Like a car, we are designed to move. Our outward movements help our internal movement, which in turn fuels all of our systems. (Qigong training classes are especially good for strengthening the internal systems of the body.)
  • Improve your core strength- choose a class or at home program that slowly, systematically improves your core strength.
  • Do a little bit of exercise at a time– regularly.
  • Discover movement that makes you happy when you do it. Dance.

Bike. Ski. Walk. Lift weights. Swim. Play catch with the kids. Choose activities that move you… and make you smile.


Food is Fuel. Fill your tank with the the best fuel possible to run your body. Eat a diet rich in natural, whole foods, with the least amount of processing and additives. Don’t get stuck in a rut, eating the same thing day after day. Choose a wide variety of fruits, and vegetables, in a variety of colors. Eat locally grown organic foods when possible. Choose healthy snacks. Unless you are underweight, try eating to the 85% full mark.


Check Your Fluid Levels: Hydrate with water, room temperature is the best. Thirst is the best guide. Generally , drink enough fluid so that you rarely feel thirsty and produce about 6 cups or more of colorless/ light yellow urine a day.

Remember, more fluids are needed during exercise, illness, pregnancy, breast feeding and in hot weather.


While Your Engine Idles: Sleep. Teenagers need as much sleep as small children (about 10 hrs) as do older adults and school-age children. For the average adult aged 25-55, eight hours is considered optimal. Some studies suggest, women may require 1 more hour than men. Other factors affect how much sleep you need. Early pregnancy can increase the need for sleep. Being sleep deprived increases your need for sleep. Quality of sleep is as important as the quantity.1 Lack of quality sleep impairs the operation of your vehicle.


Do Not Carry Unneeded Weight in your Vehicle. Excess weight puts a heavier load on the engine.


Close and Secure Vehicle Doors: Quiet Alone Time. Pray. Meditate.Taking care of that important human vehicle part called Spirit, is a really important investment in yourself. It’s easy to get caught up in the fast lane of life. Prayer and meditation help us to slow down, and to be present and aware of ourselves and the true road conditions around us.



1 Tim Morgenthaler, MD,   AN01487,

Driving in Traffic. We travel in life with other people, at work or school, at home and socially. Whatever sort of drivers you encounter, appreciate them for who they truly are. Realize that the accidents they have are theirs not yours. When you have an opportunity to choose, put people in your car, surround yourself with people, that help you grow, that share your values, that support you, help you laugh and can be fully honest with you. These are people to take a long road trip with- those you feel connected to, that are enliving and enriching.


Long Distance Trip Planning: Envisionment. Do not ignore those things that make you unhappy. These are areas of opportunity for change and creating a life that best matches your spirit. Envision what you most want for yourself. Let that be the message that plays on the radio as you drive


Check exterior equipment, interior equipment, gauges, meters, service reminder indicators and warning lights.

We have gauges and instrumentation that tells us when things are out of balance. If your batter is low-and you are low in energy, pay attention. Listen to your body. Respond and make adjustments to how you are caring for yourself.


Keep Your Vehicle Tuned-up and in Top Shape: Know When To Get Some Help. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves, but sometime we need a little help. If you’ve been in an “accident” or if any of your “parts” (body, mind, spirit, emotions or energy) are “stuck” or “rusty”- haul your vehicle into the shop and get some help with the repair work.

We at Bhakti Wellness have a staff of caring, experienced professionals that can help get you back on track.