How to Prep for and Reboot after Surgery

by Denise Douglass, Doctor of Medical Qigong (China)

FeatureSurgery is a valuable tool and methodology. It can help people heal from enormous medical challenges, live a more functional life, and sometimes be a life-saving intervention. Surgical procedures themselves can be incredibly beneficial, but can also create trauma to a person’s body, mind, and spirit.
Did you know surgery has been performed for thousands of years in China? Protocols were also developed there for treatment of patients before and after surgery to help patients to enter surgery in their best-possible state and to also heal more optimally after surgery. Medical Qigong has a unique perspective toward healing, as one of the four branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Today, Medical Qigong therapies are used pre-operatively, post-operatively and in prescriptive homework therapies that empower patients to help themselves and optimize their recoveries.