Bio-Energetic Health Screenings now at Bhakti

A bio-energetic assessment uses state-of-the-art instrumentation to detect imbalances within the body while revealing areas of correction.  This technique is non-invasive, economical, quick and highly accurate.  Based on the results of the scan, it gives a detailed picture of the energetic health of: internal organs, nutritional needs & food preferences, environmental & allergen sensitivity, toxic load on the body as well as mental & emotional factors that are contributing to ill health.

Individually tailored treatment plans and carefully recommended remedies will help map out the road to optimal health!

Note: Bio-energetic scanning is not a treatment device, nor is it intended to make a medical intervention.  Its purpose is only to address your energy and stress levels which is useful to both you and your healthcare physician to make recommendations that can be beneficial to your wellbeing.






About Erin Urban

My practice is focused on building empowerment, balance, self-esteem, and self-awareness.  I assist my clients in working through the emotional challenges in various life changes, loss, anxiety, depression, grief, and relationship issues.  Cultivating awareness and empowerment by learning to understand feelings, patterns, needs, and choices as they arise, allows my clients to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their place I the bigger picture of life – ultimately learning to rely on their own unique sources of inner strength and wisdom.  Consultations can include Asyra Bio-Energetic Screenings as well as Holistic Psychotherapy.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation or appointment, Erin Urban can be reached at 651-283-2500 or