3 tips to help you heal from chronic pain!

You Have the Power to Heal Your Chronic Pain

When we find ourselves in a state of imbalance or dis-ease it sometimes pulls us out of our body and into a state of desperation. Suddenly we are willing to do anything to feel better even if something about it doesn’t feel quite right. Often times, in the case of chronic pain people look to cortisone shots, surgery, and pain meds to find relief from pain. These things treat symptoms rather than dealing the underlying cause of pain. There are times when pain meds and cortisone shots may be helpful, but in most cases they should be temporary as
you work to actually address the cause so you can begin to heal. Likewise, there are times when surgery is necessary however, in many cases of chronic pain it can be avoided.

Listen to Your Body
Your body holds so much wisdom and often times can help guide you on your healing journey.

TIP 1: Instead of withdrawing from your body to avoid pain. Take time to check  in with yourself and be curious about your discomfort. Notice what increases or decreases the discomfort. This could include stress levels, foods, water intake, movement, etc. Use the information you receive to make changes that move you toward healing.

Often the Site of Pain is not the Cause of Pain
This is an important one. We tend to get so focused on the pain that we completely miss what it is that contributed to the pain in the first place.

For example, let’s say you have shoulder pain. Now imagine that the shoulder pain is so bad that you can stand it anymore. It is preventing you from playing your favorite sport and is even affecting your day to day activities. Your doctor recommends surgery. You go ahead with the surgery and get a shoulder replacement. You participate in some physical therapy to help rehab your shoulder. You are thinking you have fixed the problem.

Now here is more information about the shoulder pain. You have disparity or imbalance in the pelvis that is changing the curve of your spine which is changing your shoulder position which results in limited shoulder range of motion which has caused you to injure your shoulder. (Keep in mind that often times postural imbalances make us more prone to injury and chronic pain.).

In summary, the piece that most people don’t realize is that surgery does not address the original cause which in this case was the Pelvic disparity. When that cause is left unaddressed then you are left prone to re-injure the same area or to develop problems in another area like the knee since the hip disparity will affect every joint above and below it.

TIP 2: Make sure you are choosing health practitioners who partner with you in
your healing. Providers who look at whole body and you as a whole being – body,
mind and spirit.

The Body Functions as a Unit
Our body parts do not work independently of one another. Our body functions as a whole. If there are imbalances it is not contained to that specific area, rather it affects all of your joints and muscles and changes / limits your movement as a whole. When the body is in alignment, its movement is more clean and efficient which prevents pain and improves overall health.

TIP 3: Notice you have move out of balance (physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually) and take time to bring your self back into balance or find someone who can help you get there.

A CLIENT STORY: You Have the Power to Heal From Chronic Pain –
“Chronic pain was beginning to effect all aspects of my life. Severe arthritic hip pain was interfering with my ability to walk. Extreme lack of range of motion and pain in my hip had prevented me from getting on my horse for the prior 3 years.

Upper back pain, which I initially attributed to old age, affected my overall stamina. The simple task of washing dishes became painful and required me sit down for relief. My restricted activity was making me feel less useful as a human being.
My medical doctor was recommending cortisone shots and hip surgery. He also advised me not to ride my horse now or even after surgery. I felt a little deprived as riding had been a shared activity with my husband. I did not want to have  surgery, so I took the recommendation of a friend to work with Anna Forliti, a posture expert helping people to live, play and be pain free.
So in September 2017, I partnered with Anna and began my journey to find pain relief.

My initial goals were:
1. Avoid hip surgery / Relieve pain
2. Relieve upper back pain
3. Improve posture

Improvement came steadily over time with hard work and dedication. Anna developed individualized exercise menus at each of our sessions and coached connection to body, form and quality of movement and tips for healing. At every appointment she was engaged in my progress and supportive of my results. Within the first month I was sleeping better because I no longer had hip pain while sleeping. I walked without leg pain for the first time in 3 years. There was such improvement that I recall telling my husband how good I felt.

Within three months of working with Anna I no longer had any back pain. And Idiscovered that I had gained enough hip mobility to paint my toe nails!! It was here that I realized that I maybe I could get back on my horse again. I set a new goal of getting on my horse by the summer. 

This summer on July 23, 2018 after 10 months of working with Anna, I am back on the saddle and can ride my horse again!! It feels satisfying to have achieved this level of fitness. I am thrilled with my progress to date!! I have reached all of my goals, I feel good
in my body and I am able to do the things I love again without pain and limitation. I recommend Anna to those who are willing to follow her guidance.

Thank you Anna!”

Postural Health adn Healing

Anna Forliti is an Egoscue Certified Postural Alignment Specialist and Advanced
Exercise Therapist who has been helping people heal from chronic pain and
improve function & performance for 8+ years. Learn more at
www.posturalhealing.com. Contact Anna: anna@postualhealing.com or