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Karen Norum, Ph.D., CBP
612. 656 .9197

Karen calls herself a recovering academic. After teaching at the graduate level for several years, she has moved into the arena of holistic health. She has always had a whole systems approach and now is bridging her academic experience and knowledge with the metaphysical and holistic health world. Her passion centers around self-care. Far from being self-ish, self-care is what makes us available to other and our larger communities.

Karen found that she can combine her eclectic background and training under the energy medicine system of BodyTalk. BodyTalk is a comprehensive, effective, non-invasive, safe energy medicine system. During a BodyTalk session, the body’s energy systems are re-synchronized and the body’s innate ability to heal itself is stimulated.

The goal of a session is to determine which aspects of the body are poorly linked and under-communicating. These links are identified using a form of muscle testing and addressed through light tapping on the head and heart complex. Benefits include stress reduction, pain reduction, re-balancing of the body-mind complex for overall improved health. Learn more at www.bodytalksystem.com


Specialty Training
Certified BodyTalk Practitioner
Certified Laughter Yoga Leader
Certified Feng Shui Consultant
Certified Life Coach


PhD in Leadership & Innovation
MA in Counseling


Linked In: http://www.linkedin.com/in/knorum




