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Linda Matter, M.A.


Linda utilizes muscle-testing in combination with energy-work, nutrition and various energy-psychology methods. Muscle-testing allows her to tailor and refine each session toward individual goals and the deepening into one's own experience - physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically and spiritually. During each session, it is her goal to identify specific areas that demonstrate the need for correction and which method(s) to use to more fully connect with one's sense of purpose, ease and well-being. Linda welcomes a collaborative approach and encourages her clients to empower themselves regarding their own well-being on all levels through education and homeplay.

Training and Related Links
• Energy Kinesiology Association - www.energyk.org
• Touch for Health - www.touch4health.com
• Nutritional Therapy Association - www.nutritionaltherapy.com
• Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology - www.energypsych.org
• Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology - St. Mary's University

Suggestions of How One Might Use These Services

Your Self is Speaking - Are You Listening?
Through muscle-testing, give your system an opportunity to tell you what it needs (physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically and spiritually). We will explore what your system is saying and do corrections based on what is indicated. You also receive specific suggestions to do on your own (homeplay) regarding what your system indicated it most needs on an on-going basis. This gets further refined in additional sessions and as goals evolve. Treat yourself to a monthly check-in and experience the difference that focusing in this way can make. One to one-and-a-half hour sessions. $75/session.

Increase your capacity to be present in your body and a greater sense of ease in connecting with yourself physically, emotionally & energetically.  This work realeases tensions held physically in the body (regardless of origin - emotional, physical or energetic) and can be particularly helpful with headaches, PMS, bowel disorders, anxiety and tension caused by stress.  This work can be particularly helpful with children as it requires no verbal processing to be effective. Most effective with a series of weekly, one hour sessions. $75/session or a series of ten sessions for $600.

Individualized Eating Plan
Take the next step in creating, implementing and refining your eating plan based on your personal goals and needs. This is a two hour session with some required homework on your part and mine in preparation for the session. Total cost: $150. Follow-up sessions $60/hr.

Stressed Out?
Ever wish you could better regulate your response to life stressors? Learn, practice and experience practical & simple techniques to minimize the impact of stress, improve your ability to manage stress (right in the midst of it) and connect with a greater sense of ease and well-being physically, emotionally and mentally. Kids love playing in this way and families find it fun to do these techniques together. One to one-and-a-half hour sessions. $75/session.

Linda uses muscle-testing (MT) in combination with various energy-psychology modalities. MT allows for the tailoring and refining of each session by identifying each clients' unique/individual challenges in relation to a goal, the specific areas that demonstrate a need for correction and the method(s) to use to correct for those blocks/challenges. This allows for the deepening into one's own experience - physically, emotionally, energetically, mentally and spiritually - to more fully realize one's purpose.  One-to-two hour sessions. $75-100/session.

