Andrew Litchy, ND
612-259 -8529
Dr. Litchy is a registered naturopathic doctor. He sees patients of all ages with a variety of concerns. Dr. Litchy maintains a general naturopathic practice helping people with digestion, allergies, arthritis, depression/anxiety, diabetes, infections, and hormone problems like hypothyroidism. Dr. Litchy specializes in treating Autism, ADHD, Lyme, fibromyalgia, and providing adjunctive cancer care to help people reduce side effects of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Dr. Litchy helps people with problems that can be difficult to address with only a conventional approach.
Dr. Litchy incorporates and utilizes modern medical science with effective natural treatments while never forgetting the individuality of everyone he meets. Dr. Litchy enjoys working with other physicians and healers, and is happy to coordinate care.
Special Training:
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine with Honors in Research:
National College of Natural Medicine, Portland, OR
Certificate in Shiatsu: National College of Natural Medicine, Portland, OR
Naturopathic Cardiology: 1-year internship at The Center for Natural Medicine
in Portland, OR
Career highlights:
Graduate Faculty at the University of Minnesota's Center for Spirituality and Healing
Adjunct Faculty at the National College of Natural Medicine
Co-Founder: Integrative Team for Children with Challenges
Medical Supervisor at Pillsbury House Integrative Community Clinic in Minneapolis
Treasurer for the Minnesota Association of Naturopathic Physicians
Representative to the House of Delegates for the American Association of
Naturopathic Physicians.
Four years as an Emergency Room Technician at Regions Level One Trauma Center.
Two Internships at the Mayo Clinic’s Biomechanics laboratory in Rochester, MN.
Other interests:
Research: designed and conducted multiple research studies examining the effects of meditation training and bodywork on heart rate variability, autonomic nervous system balance, and stress.
Meditation: volunteer meditation instructor at Pathways Health Crisis Resource Center, Minneapolis public schools community education program, and Minneapolis Loving-kindness meditation group.
Traditional Naturopathic Philosophy
Recent publications:
Alison Schulz, ND; Andrew Litchy, ND “Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Fertility.” Naturopathic Doctor News and Review. February 2015
Andrew P Litchy, ND. 2012 May/June. “What about the Integration of Naturopathic Medicine?” MetroDoctors:29-30.
Andrew P Litchy ND. “Naturopathic Physicians: Holistic Primary Care and Integrative Medicine Specialists.” Journal of Dietary Supplements, 8(4):369–377, 2011