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About Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic medicine is based on a philosophy of medical care emphasizing the individuality and innate healing capacity of the person. Naturopathic physicians (ND) view symptoms as expressions of an underlying disturbance of health rather than simply a disease. The root cause of illness, not just the symptoms, must ultimately be resolved for successful treatment and prevention of future imbalance.

Naturopathic physicians are trained in four-year nationally accredited institutions and must pass National Board exams to be eligible for licensure. NDs share a comprehensive physician level education in modern physiology, biochemistry, and pathology with their Doctorate educated peers, but also complete extensive training integrating this modern scientific knowledge with the age-old wisdom of natural healing techniques. NDs use laboratory testing, X-ray, Ultrasound, MRI, and other modern diagnostic techniques to better understand your condition. They offer diet and lifestyle counseling; prescribe botanicals, homeopathics, and supplements; perform in-office procedures like bodywork; and teach lifestyle techniques such as meditation, qigong, and healthy routines.

Naturopathic Philosophy

The naturopathic philosophy of practice is succinctly stated in the Six Principles of Naturopathic Medicine.

1. The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae) 
The body has an inherent

    capcity to maintain health; treatments guide and support this capacity.

2. Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle Causam) 
The Naturopathic physician promotes

    healing by addressing the root cause of an illness.

3. First Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere) 
Interventions should be as non-invasive as

    possible and proceed to more disruptive and potentially harmful treatments only when


4. Doctor as Teacher (Docere) 
The role of the Naturopathic physician includes educating

    the patient, involving him or her in the healing process and essential physician/patient


5. Treat the Whole Person (Tolle Totum) 
All aspects of an individual’s health including

    mental/emotional, behavioral, genetic, structural, environmental, social, and spiritual

    factors need to be taken into account.

6. Prevention 
Prevention of future illnesses and optimizing wellness is imperative.

    Prevention is more cost effective health care and less stressful to patients then treating

    chronic disease.
